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National Eucharistic Congress

July 16–22
Indianapolis, IN
Space is limited!
Please email Kim Thoraldson at [email protected] to register.
A Catholic Experience Unlike Any Other 
The first National Eucharistic Congress in 83 years will take place from July 17-21, 2024. This is a pivotal moment in both American history and the legacy of the American Catholic Church. The National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) is a milestone moment within the three-year grassroots movement of the National Eucharistic Revival. 
At the 10th NEC, our Catholic family will gather to experience profound, personal renewal through the power of Christ’s love. Every day at the NEC is designed to facilitate a life-changing encounter with Jesus, regardless of where you are on your faith journey. Attendees will select their preferred sessions each morning and afternoon. Then, gathered as one, the whole assembly will experience a powerful revival session in Lucas Oil Stadium each evening.
What to Expect
Impact & Breakout Sessions: Dynamic sessions tailored to your mission and state in life. Be formed by some of the most trusted voices in the Church with compelling topics.

Reverent Liturgies: Experience the Mass celebrated in multiple rites and languages - truly a picture of the Universal Church!

Expo Hall: Apostolates, ministries, religious orders, publishers, and makers of all types with displays and items for sale.

Eucharistic Procession, Adoration, and Confession: Walk alongside the Blessed Sacrament through the streets of downtown Indianapolis—publicly professing our faith and witnessing to the world that Jesus is a King worth following. Find healing through time in prayer and the sacrament of penance.
Revival Sessions: Each evening, a special session will be held in Lucas Oil Stadium. Together, we will worship Our Lord, hear the Gospel and reflection from a keynote speaker, experience healing, and be unified by the shared mission to make Jesus known and loved.
Every Catholic is invited to be a part of this incredible experience.
Jesus Christ will be there. Will you?
You can purchase your FULL ACCESS* ticket for $299 below.
•    Receive access to the All Saints reserved hotel rooms in Indianapolis for July 17-21.
•    Option to purchase a seat on the luxury motorcoach (approx. $250) from All Saints to Indianapolis and back again, with prayerful stops along the way, including a visit to the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Museum
*Additional costs for accommodations, food, and souvenirs are the responsibility of each traveler.
Contact Nadine Friederichs, director of mission, at [email protected] or call 952.469.6465.