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Adult Enrichment

There are many opportunities for adults to be fed and grow in our parish community! Here are the current adult enrichment options. If you have more ideas or suggestions please contact Chris Kuhn at [email protected] or call 952.469.6480.
Connect summer sessions have begun
Join us on Tuesdays from 7-8:15pm for discussion and prayer centered around the Catholic faith and our parish community. Whether you are looking to connect with others of faith or talk about it Try Connect! More details
mere chrisianity
The Gathering  - Fridays 9:30am-11am. June 21 - August 23

A bible study of the classic Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

Deepen your understanding of God by nurturing the “thinking faith that alone is pleasing to him.” Discover the work of Christian Apologetics and defense of transformational faith. Cost $20 (includes study guide). Participants need a copy of Mere Christianity. Nursery available upon request. Signup HERE

Session Leader: Stacy Wempe.


Request for Speaker/Program/Curriculum
In accordance with the Archdiocesan Policy regarding speakers/presenters for parish programming, All Saints requires that a Request for Speaker/Program/Curriculum Form be completed by all groups who intend to host an event with an outside speaker, program, or curriculum being presented. (See attached PDF documents below).
These requests include general information and references on the speaker, program, and curriculum. It is advised to include information on where else in our local Catholic Church the entity has been engaged. Requests should be submitted at the beginning of the program year or at least 90 days before the event.