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All Saints Men

MOV Logo

Men of Virtue (MoV) is a new mens group for men 18+.


Men of All Saints, are you ready to raise the bar in your spiritual life? Here’s your opportunity to become involved in a mission much bigger than you, with an outcome that is more than you can dream of. To serve you and help you raise the bar in your spiritual life- consider joining the All Saints Men’s Ministry- Men of Virtue.


Mission Statement:

To inspire and empower men of all ages to become activated disciples of Jesus Christ by integrating Catholic tradition through prayer, sacraments, scripture, and community.


August 24
Workshop III: Self-control (not necessary to have attended previous workshops)
October 11-12
Men's Retreat
with Deacon Ralph Poyo Founder of New Evangelization Ministries.
Registration opens soon!
For more information, email [email protected].