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Hope For Purity - Help for those Struggling

Support for Those Wounded


Be not afraid. There is hope. You can find freedom from the feelings of shame, fear, and isolation caused by compulsive viewing of pornography. Jesus Christ offers us His hope and mercy in the Sacraments and wants you to live a full life. You’ll learn to deal with your triggers, with the feelings of loneliness, rejection, anger, fear, boredom, and weariness. But there is only one way to do this, to step out of the darkness and into the light.

Take Action Now

  1. Develop a life of prayer and frequent confession

    You have developed an attachment to sin. It’s up to you to make a choice to pray daily, read Scripture, and reflect in silence. Those in recovery find monthly confession helpful, some even go on a weekly basis. Consider adding Eucharistic Adoration and make Mass a priority.

  2. Join a support group or see a therapist

    Have you tried quitting porn, but failed to quit? If the answer is yes, you need to seek help. Pornography often masks real problems of intimacy, self worth, and regulating emotions. Only through working with others will you be able to identify the true problem and develop a recovery plan. Contact Tom to be part of the Men's Support Group at All Saints by emailing [email protected] or check out to find someone you may want to work with.

  3. Get an accountability partner

    On your road to recovery you need someone to open up to and keep you faithful to your commitments.  Your accountability partner should be someone of the same gender. And, in most cases, should not be your spouse. While your spouse may play a role in your recovery, it is often difficult for a spouse to maintain a detachment from your behaviors and provide the coaching you need. For more help in choosing an accountability partner see

  4. Set up filtering and accountability software

    Make sure every device you touch is protected. No loopholes! Set up filtering to block access to explicit material. And accountability software that monitors your internet activity for risky behavior. Make sure to the software is capable of sending reports to your accountability partner. Check out for a great solution.

Online Resources for those struggling with pornography


For more information or general help contact > [email protected].

To contact a priest > click here.