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Parish & School Ambassadors

What is an Ambassador?
Parish Ambassadors allow local businesses an opportunity to work together with parish leadership at All Saints and connect around shared values and faith. Local businesses can express their support for school and parish ministries through a financial sponsorship.
For many years our church bulletin was printed offsite through LPI, an offsite publisher used by many churches in the country. In June 2021, we began printing in-house. As a religious non-profit, All Saints does not sell advertisements. We enter into sponsorship relationships which we have chosen to call Ambassadorships. The Ambassador program, allows business people to become sponsors, make a contribution to the parish to support the ministry, and be acknowledged with the name of their business in the bulletin, parish webpage, school or even a parish event depending on their level of Ambassadorship. 
Interested in becoming an Ambassador? For more information please contact Lynn at 952.469.9479 or [email protected].
Thank you to our Burgundy Parish & School Ambassadors
Burgundy ambassadors support events and initiatives of the Church and School. Acknowledgments will be recognized in a variety of ways including inclusion in the Sunday bulletin, on the school folder, on the parish ambassador webpage, in print as appropriate, and at designated events.
Bob Curtis
Christian Brother
Culver's of Apple Valley & Lakeville
McDonald Eye Care
Platt Contracting
Platt Dentristry
Liz Sandwick
Thank you to our Blue Parish Ambassadors
Blue ambassadors support special events and initiatives at All Saints Church. These events and initiatives may vary year to year but could include all parish formation events, guest speakers, or community social gatherings. Acknowledgments are recognized in a variety of ways including inclusion in the Sunday bulletin, at the designated events, and on the parish ambassador webpage.
Advanced Oral Surgery
Iverson Reuvers Law
The Fountains
White Funeral Home
Thank you to our Falcon School Ambassadors
Falcon ambassadors support special events and initiatives at All Saints School. Acknowledgments will be recognized in a variety of ways including in print as appropriate (on the school folder) at designated events, and on the parish ambassador webpage. 
Jeff B
Joe Etten logo