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Faith Formation Commission

The role of this commission is to ensure that faithful Catholic formation is made available to everyone in our parish – children, teens, and adults. Focuses include a continuum of ongoing growth in one’s spiritual life, improvement and development of all faith formation classes, youth ministry activities, and adult faith formation.
The ministries in this commission include Bible study facilitators, catechists for family and children's formation, mentors and catechists for Baptism, First Eucharist and other sacraments, and chaperones for Youth Ministry events and mission trips/pilgrimages.
Sarah Bockwinkel & Laura Popehn Walking With Purpose - Bible study for women
We truly enjoy creating a beautiful space for women to encounter relevant content that has the power to nurture their hearts and transform their relationships. We especially appreciate the opportunity to extend a spirit of welcome to women who have not yet found a sense of belonging at All Saints. It is a privilege to keep an open chair for anyone who walks through the doors and watch God move in their lives in extraordinary ways.

Sarah Bockwinkel & Laura Popehn
Walking With Purpose - Bible study for women
