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Become A Mission Partner

All Saints invites you to join with other parish members in responding to our baptismal promises and Lead people to Christ through Liturgy, Learning, Sacraments, and Service.
There are so many ways to serve!
We don’t have to do everything in order to do something. Just start where you are and do what you can. Make a phone call to our new parishioners. Buy extra groceries for our monthly food collection. Prepare care packages for children battling severe illness. Participate in a local yard cleanup. Join the parish prayer chain. Greet parents and children at First Eucharist activity day. There is so much need in our community – and so much we can all do together!
Volunteers at All Saints are known as Mission Partners.
mis•sion part•ner               /ˈmiSH(ə)n/ /ˈpärtnər/

noun - those engaged in parish service, working with one another in Christ’s mission -  
sacrificing, sharing, and serving each other in love and faith.

"Mission partners are greatly appreciated members of the parish community serving in the mission of the church."
In January 2017, Father Wilson introduced the idea of Mission Partners and asked us to abandon the term "volunteer." Volunteers are people who need to be acknowledged for their generosity. They help make community and service groups grow.
The reason for the update is more than semantics. Volunteer implies free labor, helping out to get a job, or a set of tasks completed.

Mission partners are not free labor, but people who give of themselves in a church and parish setting doing more than getting a task done. They are participating in the Mission of the Church, which is to bring people to Jesus Christ. When we give of ourselves to the Church, and All Saints in particular, we are embracing our own call to The Mission, not providing the community with free labor. We are an active part of the world's most important mission, introducing Jesus and helping to form and advance discipleship.
Father Wilson hopes that the change in language helps us as a community reorient ourselves to our mission of bringing Jesus to people. We are a community of disciples on a mission to bring Jesus into a desperate world. No matter what our role in the parish is, we are all partners in that mission.
Thank you for partnering with our parish in this incredible mission of Leading People to Christ.


Opportunity Description

Choir Members, Cantors, or Instrumentalists

Sing or play during Mass, funerals, or other liturgies.

Flexible schedule, 2-4 hours/week with rehearsal and Mass 

Greeters and/or Ushers

Welcome parishioners to Mass, assist with seating, pass out bulletins, take up the collection, and dismiss for communion.

Flexible schedule Saturday evening, Sunday morning, or Sunday evening; 15 minutes before and after Mass, during collection and communion

Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors & Altar Servers

Training provided

Flexible schedule Saturday evening, Sunday morning, or Sunday evening.

Sacristy Walk-thru Helpers

Keeping the sacristy linens and supplies organized for liturgies

Flexible schedule, less than 1 hour per week on Mondays or Fridays. 

Music Sorting & Filing


Organizing and preparing sheet music for liturgies

Flexible schedule, 1-2 hours per month

Environmental Ministries

Enhancing and decorating the worship space, assisting with plants/flowers

Flexible schedule, 1-2 hours per month

Sound Board Operator

Training provided

Flexible schedule Saturday evening, Sunday morning, or Sunday evening.

Super Saturday Service Coordinators

Help with planning, behind-the-scenes tasks (like purchasing items for projects), and guiding participants on projects.

No more than 3 hours at any one held nine times per year (pick your favorite project)


Clean up and maintain gardens around the church for the winter.  Varies, approximately 30-60 minutes per week

Welcome Desk Greeter

Greet visitors, provide directions, answer phones, general clerical duties.

4-hour shifts (4-8pm, Monday – Thursday, some Sunday mornings), flexible schedule – work one shift or more per month; some special requests based on church events; High Schoolers: Sunday shifts available


Boys & Girls Club Leaders

Working with kids grades 1-4

2 hours per month, background check required

Reconciliation/Eucharist Small Group leaders

Working with second graders

3 Sundays in the fall and 3 in the spring, background check required